Experts In Social Media Management For E-Commerce

Experts In Social Media Management For E-Commerce

Our experts in social profile management for E-commerce will take care of managing your social networks to increase your visibility on them and convert your community into loyal customers, that is, we seek to increase your sales through the different communication channels. As a starting point, we will analyze your current social networks, as well as your environment to define the different monthly strategic actions that best suit your goals. Once defined, our professionals will be in charge of developing content according to your brand to encourage interaction and enhance the engagement of your different networks.

Our work is based on the experience and coordination of a team of professionals from different fields of marketing, design, and communication.

Our company has been growing, adapting to the needs and new digital trends. Experience has taught us that, to achieve a successful online store, it is necessary to go hand in hand with you. To achieve this, communication will be essential as we will work together to take into account all the details of your project.

Many digital agencies require stays of 1 or 2 years, we only ask you to stay for 4 months because we know that our service works and we want you to be with us for the results and not out of obligation.

Active listening

We define a strategic plan based on the details of your product that only you know and transmit to us. We analyze how you are different and we give it value in social networks, we create a feed with concordance and a community according to the image of your brand.

Monthly reporting

With our reporting module, we update the status of your social networks. Each month you will receive a report and you can arrange a follow-up call to inform you of the progress and resolve your doubts.

How do we do it?

We are the only company in Spain that is an E-commerce Platform and a Marketing Agency at the same time that is why we know your business, we know what you need and we can carry out the management of your social networks in the best possible way. We will base ourselves on the information provided by your online store to create profiles with which you feel identified. In addition, our team will not only analyze your company but will also carry out a study of the sector in which your activity is carried out to establish the best-suited strategy.

We adapt to your needs

Communication is the most important. We will create completely personalized social profiles based on your needs. We will guide you on this path, but you rule.

Sustained growth and monitoring

We do not use bots or automated tools that can negatively affect your social networks, our strategy is to achieve gradual growth sustained over time. We use the best measurement tools to obtain precise results and to be able to accurately assess the success of the strategy or its improvement points.

A flexible service made up of modules

Our Social Networking service is unique in that it combines functionality and flexibility. We know you, we know what you need and we want to help you, that's why with the Social Networks service you can customize your project through the different modules we offer. You can choose those platforms and profiles that you want us to carry, you can only request the Social Networks service on Instagram or combine it with other platforms. In addition, in each module, we will explain what is done, what it is for, and how it will help you achieve your goals, but if you need more help, our team of marketing and communication experts will help you create successful social networks from start to finish.

Social Media plan

For your Social Media campaign to be successful, it is necessary to have a suitable social network profile, that is, one that contains all the information about your business and also adapts to your brand image. This module is the phase prior to any strategy that we carry out since a company profile will be created in case it does not exist and all the factors that affect your environment will be analyzed: competition, trends, products, etc.

Once we have studied and adapted your profile, our team will draw up a Social Media Plan detailing the points for improving your profile and the possible actions to be carried out.
