Do You Want To Increase Your Website Traffic And Your Conversions?

Do You Want To Increase Your Website Traffic And Your Conversions?

If your brand does not generate trust and credibility, it will be difficult for you to get new sales. Having a strategy outlined and executing it step by step in an Action Plan is the key. Being active in social networks is, today, essential for success.

What does your audience demand?

The RRSS work when you communicate from the heart but with the head.

Through social networks you will bring your image, and that of your products or services, closer to the customer through strategies of empathy and trust. You will create lasting links that will increase your visibility and followers, and these will support and improve the results of web traffic, Google positioning, online popularity, and sales opportunities.

Regardless of your type of conversion (sale, lead, content download, appointment or meeting...) when you offer a good experience to the user, you make him feel unique, creating a bond of closeness and attention between him and your brand, if this confidence obtained you add valuable , attractive and interesting content You got it!


In order to help you with this, we must know each other in detail, understand your brand proposal, your objectives, your website, the marketing material you already use, your target market, customer segment An analysis of all this will give us the keys to know what social platforms are your customers and what is the most appropriate message to connect with them.

Hub & spoke strategy: the wheel and its spokes

The goal of a well-integrated social media strategy is to invite people to your website, which is positioned as the nerve center of your digital strategy.

Through external distribution platforms or "spokes" it seeks to vitalize and expand your content. Thus, the more traffic you attract to your website, the more easily you will achieve your conversion (sale, subscription, contact...).

In communication, the hub (your website or blog) becomes the center of your content and the spokes (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest...) are your distribution radios, the places to publicize and expand your content.

On the other hand, we do not neglect influencer marketing , widely used today and that can help boost your business. Influencers are people who are active on their social networks and often have a large number of loyal followers. Through them, you can make your brand known to potential consumers through a person they consider trustworthy.

Why do I need you to manage my social networks?

In recent years, the growth of social networks has not stopped growing. We have seen how these digital platforms have gone from being a community meeting point where you interacted socially, to being a platform that allows online sales and advertising.

According to data from social media management tools like Hootsuite, 97% of digital consumers use social media on a monthly basis and spend approximately 2.5 hours a day on them. 43% of users use them to get information about what they want to buy, researching the corporate social networks of businesses that offer the product or service they are looking for. 27% have made online purchases through paid social media ads.

It is for this reason that, currently, an online business does not consider not entering a social network to contact its target audience and use this network as a distribution window. A community manager position that manages social networks in companies is increasingly necessary.

An essential point in the work of a community manager is the creation of content for social networks, the management of advertisements and the feedback with their community. For this, it is vitally important to create realistic and quantifiable objectives to know the effectiveness of the strategy in social networks.

But this is not valid in any social network. If your company focuses on creating content for Instagram, but your target audience is not there, all the effort and money invested will not work. For this reason, you must know what audience you are targeting and where it is located to create content on the social network that your business needs.

The reality is that the creation and management of social networks, as well as the creation of content on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, etc.; enhance the results of your business, generate community and retain your customers.

From URated Digital Marketing Agency, we will establish a social media strategy that optimizes your results, increases the reach of your brand and leaves a mark on your customers.
