Online Advertising Service To Boost Your Presence On Google And Facebook

Online Advertising Service To Boost Your Presence On Google And Facebook

A well-planned and managed online advertising campaign will have an immediate impact on your business, which you will notice in the rapid increase in inquiries via phone and email, as well as an increase in sales and the arrival of new customers.

Does your project suffer from a lack of visibility? Are you frustrated that you are not getting new clients?

Online advertising is the fastest, simplest and most effective way for your website to get the attention it deserves, placing itself well above the competition; in fact, paid search results and relevant ads are often the start of an interaction that ensures sales.

Advertising on Google Adwords: We manage your advertising campaigns on Google so that your business stands out in the most used search engine in the world and your ads appear at the right time.

Advertising on Facebook Ads: We direct your advertising to a segmented target audience (by age, interests, address, etc.). An ideal way to work on your brand image and publicize new products or services.


URated will make your business grow through an advertising campaign that correctly spreads your brand, increasing your customers and boosting sales. Our goal is simple: analyze, create and optimize your online marketing so that your ads appear at the most convenient time, that is, when customers are looking for the products and services that your business offers. This will result in hundreds of visits to your website, more inquiries and of course more sales.


We love doing our work and, even more so, sharing it. Over coffee, look at some of the cool projects we have been involved in recently and imagine what we can do for you!
