Why It Is Important To Have Optimized Profiles On Social Networks?

Why It Is Important To Have Optimized Profiles On Social Networks

Few companies today are those that do not have a profile open in a social network, with Facebook being the one that takes the cake in most cases. However, not all are aware of how important it is to have optimized profiles on social networks.

In three lines, these are the main reasons:

Better search engine positioning

Solid and homogeneous company brand image

Access route and qualified traffic to the website

Regardless of the medium in question, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Google Plus ..., there are a number of general elements that must be considered.

It will be easier to optimize a profile if you start from scratch, that is, if you are going to create it, than if it already exists and you have to work on it.

Aspects to consider before opening profiles on social networks

We start from the basis that the company has an Online Marketing Plan in which the objectives to be pursued have been defined, the target audience of the brand ... a study of the sector has been carried out on the internet and the words are known and clear key by which it is intended to position the company.

If not, please, before opening any profile, go to the previous step and contract the Online Marketing Plan. At this point, it may be convenient to remember that no matter how well a company's social networks are optimized, if its website is from the last century, it will be more difficult to attract customers and sell products or services.

Good social media optimization can help you rank higher in Google search results.

Social networks, a showcase for your business

If we take into account that the social profiles of a brand are a showcase of what the company can do and offer to visitors, that is, a gateway to attract new customers, it is essential to take care of the image of our company.

The cover or header image of profiles or pages on social networks is like a business showcase, the ideal place to show the visitor what we do or what we can offer. It is also the perfect space to promote the new products, services or programs of our company.

On the other hand, it is essential that all the spaces available to add information about our company are covered with as much data as possible. Not all networks offer us the same possibilities in terms of available fields or number of characters to use, but it is no less important to take advantage of the existing ones.

Keep in mind that many of the visits that come to the profiles of a brand on social networks do so in order to know more about that brand or company.

If they visit the page, they are probably looking to know more to see if your product or service fits what they need, or they may be looking for a way to get in touch with the company ... Whatever it is, offer as much information as possible Accurate possible is the way to attract new customers or users interested in what your company offers.

Brand image recognizable by users

A detail that is often ignored, probably due to not reviewing the optimization of social media profiles periodically, is the lack of homogeneity between the different channels of a company.

Do all networks have the same profile picture? Is the header image the same, although adequate to the measurements of each network?

The visual image of the brand must be the same in all media, for which the appropriate measures for the profile and cover photo or header must be taken into account.

Checklist to have optimized profiles on social networks

Below you will find a checklist with the steps to follow in the most common social networks when creating and optimizing the company profile . However, keep in mind that each medium guides you with its help service. Use it! It is easy to save yourself the odd bad time or unnecessary investment of time.

It is also possible to verify the company's profiles on social networks. Each medium has its own rules and requirements in this regard and it is not usually an immediate process in most cases.


Create Facebook page with your own username and password.

Choose the url of the page with the name that interests the brand.

Unpublish the page while it is being completed and optimized.

Design header and profile photo with quality and appropriate sizes.

Add a description with a link to the web in the header photo.

Fill in biography and information about the company.

Complete the data as much as possible, including the important milestones of the company (see image).

Design useful tabs (images for the tabs and app installation).

Publish the page.


Choose a username taking into account that it should be the same as in other networks such as Instagram or Pinterest and that it should not exceed 15 characters (better if it has less).

Create Twitter profile.

Design header and profile photo with quality and appropriate sizes.

Fill biography with keywords, hashtags of interest and the sector and add url of the company. You have only 160 characters for it.

Complete the rest of the data (website, location, contact).

Modify the color of the motif and adapt it to the corporate color of your brand.


Create page in LindkedIn.

Customize the url of the page.

Design cover image and profile photo with quality and suitable sizes.

Fill in the basic information about your company using the keywords associated with the brand:

- type of company,

- size of the company,

- url of the company website,

- main sector of the company,

- status of operation of the company,

- year of creation and location of the business headquarters.


Choose username: keep in mind that it should be the same as on other networks such as Twitter or Pinterest.

Create Instagram profile.

Complete the biography describing the brand's services in 150 characters and including keywords.

Add to url of the web page taking into account that it will be the only space in this medium in which the url will be active.

Complete the rest of the data (email, telephone).

Add quality profile photo taking into account that it will be displayed with a circular shape.
