At URated Digital Marketing Agency, we manage your Online Advertising, selecting the most appropriate media mix for the sale of your products or services. All this, taking into account your needs, optimizing each campaign and making improvements day by day, with the aim of maximizing your investment and getting the best possible performance from your ads.
Advantages of Online Advertising:
Google is the preferred search engine for users from almost
all over the world and has changed the world of Online Advertising. Its global
reach is astonishing, exceeding 2,000 MM visits per day, to all this, we must
add that in Spain Google has a penetration rate of close to 90%.
Entry costs are well below traditional advertising.
Great ability to segment the audience.
Easy to measure ROI and the impact of your ads.
Ability to make changes quickly and automatically.
Planning: What are my goals and what is my audience?
Execution: What strategy do I use and what ads do I design?
Measurement: How has the campaign evolved?
Optimization: How can I improve the results?
Today, advertisers who decide to run their campaigns on
Google can choose from a wide variety of formats for their ads, adjusting their
budgets to their needs and obtaining results in a short period of time. The
services that Google offers its advertisers are various. On the one hand, we
have the Advertising offered in the search engine, also known as Search Engine Marketing (SEM). On the other
hand, we have the Display network, the largest network of advertisers in the world.
Through this network, all types of advertisements (text, graphics, videos,
interactive) can be produced that will later be published on sites relevant to
the content that we are promoting or selling. Showing the ads to those people
who are probably most interested in our content. In addition, in the Display
network, Google allows us to control the budget that we want to invest,
offering the possibility of choosing for our campaigns between Cost per Click
(CPC) and Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM). It also allows us to
continuously monitor the announcements and analyze the evolution of the most
important performance indicators.
Advertising on Social Networks:
In recent years, social networks are proving to be an
effective communication channel to expose our products or services to potential
future clients. As in advertising with Google, social networks also offer us a
high degree of personalization of our ads, being able to segment our audience
in many ways.
Each social network is a different world, but as a general rule, ads on social networks are characterized by being cheaper than on Google. The three most famous social networks are Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Each of these social networks has different advertising models that are adjusted to the main characteristics of each social network. At URated Digital Marketing Agency we can offer you a balanced online media mix that adds value and maximizes your presence on the internet.
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