How To Keep A Website Safe? 10 Basic Points You Must Meet

How To Keep A Website Safe 10 Basic Points You Must Meet

URated Digital Marketing Agency experts reveal 10 basic actions that you need to implement immediately to keep your website secure with WordPress.

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS systems in the world due to the fact that almost 40% of all websites are created with open source system, making it a popular target for computer hackers. Therefore, security and safety are important issues for your website to address. We explain 10 essential points to keep a website secure from web page design to SSL certificates.

1 | Secure Hosting

In addition to web design, one of the most important factors is the hosting service, according to WordPress more than 40% of attacks on websites are due to insecure servers. To avoid being part of the statistics, it is essential to have a good hosting provider that offers protection to the most important security problems as part of the hosting.

2 | Avoid Outdated Versions Of WordPress And Plugins

The second most important point for the construction and design of web pages is that the version of WordPress, plugins and tools are kept updated. Obviously, the updates mean greater security and bug fixes for the vulnerabilities found. However, the websites of many companies have outdated plugins and outdated versions of WordPress because they think they do not need "new features" or they think that "the website will stop working properly" if they update them and a large number of successful attacks are They are due to outdated WordPress instances. In short, keep your website up to date and use secure plugins or tools.

3 | Use The Latest Version Of PHP

In addition to the WordPress core and plugins, it is also important to keep your PHP version up to date. What exactly is PHP?

PHP is the special open source language for web programming, so it is indispensable for web page design and is constantly updated. A new version can be supported for about two years and means that bugs or security issues are fixed on a regular basis.

The shocking thing is that there are countless websites with versions of PHP that are out of date. In most cases this is because there is no code support for web page design, so the sites do not work with the latest version of PHP.

4 | Strong Passwords

This point seems obvious; however, some people use passwords such as "123456" or "Password" to access their website.

The administrator password for your site must be unique and secure. If you find it difficult to create a proper password, use password generators. Also, Apple has implemented similar functionality in MacBooks to create new strong passwords and protect your website.


Two-factor authentication is also a good means of protecting the login area of ​​your website. Strong passwords and double authentication methods are the best actions against attacks and abrupt login attempts.

5 | Never Use Admin As Username

Before starting with the web page design, it is necessary to highlight that the default WordPress username is Administrator and it is necessary to change it immediately, there are even hosting providers that enforce this point. It is worth mentioning that you can automatically block login attempts through the administrator or put the IP addresses of the attacks on a black list.

6 | Hide Wordpress Version

The WordPress version is displayed by default in the source code header. One way to reduce the number of attacks is to keep settings invisible when designing a website. When the WordPress version is visible and out of date, security breaches can be found quickly.

7 | Create A Login Manager And Editor

Avoid using only one login or only one account on your website. You do not need to work in the administrator account to make editorial adjustments, create a new blog post, or do similar activities. An additional editorial account on the website is ideal for simple tasks.

8 | SSL Certificate

The small green padlock that allows you to view the information of a website is a security indicator to verify that the site has an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate.

The SSL certificate protects and encrypts any information transferred between the browser and the user within a website. Therefore, the security it offers is directed towards your website visitors, protecting their data by preventing it from being decoded. Additionally, SSL certificates became an SEO ranking factor in 2014, thus providing benefits for SEO positioning.

9 | Simple Approach To Web Design

Apply creativity in your content and marketing strategies, not in web page design. Avoid adding an excessive amount of plugins to cover different functionalities, on the contrary, it is recommended to use complete tools that offer different benefits. The design of web pages uses an intuitive approach that facilitates and maximizes the user experience. Everything you add to your website calls into question its security.

10 | Hire Web Design Agency

Finally, the best way to keep your website safe is by externalizing the requirements with a web design agency. URated Interactive is made up of a group of expert web designers who will keep your website up-to-date and secure. In this way, you will leave these issues in the hands of experienced professionals and you will be able to continue with the rest of your business objectives.

In short, these are relatively easy ways to increase WordPress security. Using strong passwords, regular updates, and choosing the right hosting provider are definitely the basics in maintaining a secure website.
